Abstract Expression is to take the random and give it shape.

Nancy Kramp BFA, AFCA

                                                                                                                   Born in Vancouver, BC, Canada 



  Visual Art is a celebration of our power to create.  It is a

glorious expression of our unique relationship to the world.  Creating 

connects us to who we are.  We are not all visual

artists but we are all creators.

As an Abstract Expressionist, I allow the merging of colours and the unpredictable movement of paint to dominate a loose attachment to form.  My goal is to release control of the outcome...to take the random and give it shape.  As with children, the pure enjoyment of making art flows freely from a place not controlled by the ego. Children paint 'egoless' and I believe that, as adults we must also create from this state.  The painting proceeds spontaneously as colours and textures merge to define the direction that the work is taking.  Even the title is a surprise.  Ultimately, I want my viewers to engage their imaginations in making sense of the work.  I wish 'emotion' to be their first and perhaps, only response.  We don't need to 'understand' spontaneous art...we only need to be aware of our emotions.  We are free to simple enjoy it without judgement.  As we follow the playful shapes in and out of the layers of paint, the subjective experience shifts from the artist to the viewer.


   In the past I painted for 'expected results' and for validation.  I had to completely control the painting from start to finish resulting in work that I seldom liked.  My journey in art has been one of gradually and fearfully releasing this need to control.  Most of us start out dutifully drawing and painting the world as accurately as our art teachers expected.  The 'A's were awarded to the 'realists' and reasonably so. As artists, we should have a formal sense of objects as they are perceived realistically.  Unfortunately, the longer I worked in this way, the harder it became to evolve.  Studying other artists can help us to find our direction on the path.  I emulated the 'super realists' until I saw Larry Rivers' work.  Not widely known, Rivers' style is a perfect mix of expert rendering and playful abstraction.  Willem DeKooning inspired me as well as Vincent VanGogh. In addition to these great painters, children's art has affected my direction the most.  Tots create from their emotional centers which challenge the pre-sets of proportion and colour.  History shows us that 'emerging art' challenges the status quo and to do this, it must be created subjectively. Art is supposed to move us more emotionally than technically. 

This has become the goal of my abstract expression...to work with that fascinating blend of strategy and surrender to create curious and interesting paintings.  When I am 'stuck' with a part of a painting. I stop and ask myself..."what would a child do?" 

My greatest objective still remains...'to consciously let go of the outcome'.  Often it becomes unimaginable like driving blind...but it is the ony way to get a true result.  You know when it happens because you can't remember what happened and you can't always do it again.  




1997  Computer Graphics Diploma  Careers INC   Abbotsford, BC, Canada

1981  BFA/ Painting Major   Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design   Milwaukee, Wi, USA

1978  Concordia University   Montreal, Que, Canada   Fine Arts

1977  Grand Valley State Colleges   Michigan, USA   Fine Arts

1976  University of Wisconsin   Wisconsin, USA   Fine Arts

1975  Studio Corelin   Paris, France   Prep Studio / Ecole des Beaux Arts

1974   University of BC   Vancouver, BC, Canada   Fine Arts


Awards and Commissions

1989  Logo Design Selection   BC Festival of the Arts   Chilliwack, BC, Canada

1989  Downtown Mural Commission   BC Festival of the Arts   Chilliwack, BC, Canada

1989  Corporate Mural Commission   BC Festival of the Arts   Chilliwack, BC, Canada 

2013  Award of Excellence   Artists Choice Show   FCA Gallery   Vancouver, BC, Canada

2015  Award of Excellence   Artists Choice Show   FCA Gallery   Vancouver, BC, Canada

2015  First Prize Winner   Canvas Unbound Show   FCA Gallery   Vancouver, BC, Canada

2015  June Artist of the Month   Federation of Canadian Artists Choice

2016  AFCA Signature Status    Federation of Canadian Artists

2017  Bronze Medal  AFCA Signature Show  Federation of Canadian Artists




2015  Front Cover of the ART AVENUE magazine featuring First Prize Painting "Geology"



1980  Group Show   Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design

1981  Solo Show    Graduation   Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design

2013  Group Show   Oil & Water  SDAG FCA Show   Tsawwassen, BC, Canada

2013  Group Show   Artists Choice Show   FCA Gallery   Granville Is. Vancouver, BC

2013  Group Show   Ten Squared Fundraiser   FCA Gallery   Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2013   Group Show   Small, Smaller and Smallest   FCA Gallery   Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2014   Group Show   Abstract Show   FCA Gallery   Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2014   Seven West Coast Artists  Select Group Show   FCA Gallery   Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2014   Group Show   One Week Exhibition @ The Chinatown Experiment   Gastown,Vancouver,BC

2014   Group Show   FCA Summer Gallery   Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2015   Group Show   Artist's Choice  Show   FCA Gallery, Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2015   Group Show    Canvas Unbound    FCA Gallery, Granville Is., Vancouver, BC 

2015   Vancity "Artist of the Month" Exhibition  Vancity Fairview Community Branch, W.10th

2015   Group Show   Painting on the Edge   FCA Gallery   Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2015   Group Show   Autumn Salon   FCA Gallery    Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2016   Group Show    Success   AFCA Status   Granville Is., Vancouver, BC

2016   Group Show   75th Anniversary Signature Show and Exhibition  Performance Works Gallery  Vanc.

2017   Group Show   Bezanson Art Consulting    1177 West Hastings St. Vancouver, BC

2017   Group Show   FCA Summer Gallery   FCA Gallery    Granville Is.,  Vancouver, BC

2017   FCA Signature Medal Show   FCA Gallery   Granville Is., Vanciuver, BC

2018  Artist's Choice Exhibition  FCA Gallery  Vancouver, BC

2018  Abstract Exhibition  FCA Gallery   Vancouver, BC

2018  AFCA Medal Show  FCA Gallery, Vancouver, BC

2023  SOLO Show  Crucible Gallery   Powell River, BC


Private Collections

California, USA

South Surrey, (Vancouver), BC

Rosedale, (Chilliwack), BC

English Bay, (Vancouver), BC

Granville Is., (Vancouver), BC

North Surrey, (Vancouver), BC

Bezanson Art Consulting Clients, Vancouver, BC

Oyster Bay, NY, USA

Coal Harbour, Vancouver, BC

Kerrisdale, Vancouver, BC

Yellowknife, NWT, Canada

Arlington, Virginia, USA

Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, USA

Houston, Texas, USA

Burr Ridge, Illinois, USA

Singapore, Singapore

Brooklyn, NY, USA